Monday, March 3, 2014

Outfits of the week: Week 9

I had a schoolvacation, but didn't notice anything different since I still worked on my schoolwork. Though I believe a lot of student have to do that, so no worries. As you can see on the pictures, it's getting quite sunny over here and I'm loving it. Here's hoping the temperature won't go down a lot, since it can still happen in March.


I could walk outside with my T-shirt without getting cold. Okay, it was a little bit cold in the shadows, but nothing compared shooting outfit pictures with a top or short skirt in January. I wore my polkadot T-shirt from Primark, green jeans from H & M, old grey vest from my sister E. and my All Stars.

I've noticed that during the last couple of nights I think about what outfits I can wear and what would look great together. Normally when I lay in bed, I worry about a lot of stuff, but thinking about potential outfits is less stressful and so much more fun. This outfit was inspired by a 'I can't go to sleep, but hey I remember these square pants from H & M, with what could I combine it'. See? So much more fun! The sweater is from Vero Moda, the boots are my beloved ankle boots from H & M.

I was a little bit too optimistic with this outfit, I'm afraid. It was still a little bit too cold. The denim dress is from C & A, tights are from HEMA and the boots are H & M. This was also the day my package from the Zara came in.


 Ah, finally my sweater with the leather patches from H & M. It might be a little bit too cold for this sweater as well, but a girl got to do something if she wants to wear cute items from her closet. The blue pants are from H & M as well. I bought it in April of 2012 and I wore this pants for when I went for potential internships. Classier than real jeans, though I believe they aren't that taboo anymore in the Netherlands if you have a job interview. If the jeans at least look good and not ripped or something. I also spilled food on it and now it has a grease stain. I'll hope it will be removed when it's out of the washing machine.


  1. Amazing looks!! Loved all <3

    Thanks a lot for your sweet comment on my blog!! I'm following you now on gfc, bloglovin, and google+!! :)
    P.S: Couldn't find your twitter link!!

    keep in touch

  2. Love the first Look :)


  3. beautiful outfits!:) love the green pants!♥

  4. Great looks, love the green pants with polka dots! xo

  5. You look awesome !! love your pants :) xx

  6. i love the pants! ♥

